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A file system is used to control how a drive reads and writes data.  The correct file system depends on your needs and the type of operating system you are using. (We will assume you are installing

A powerline device is a simple and secure option for getting network/internet access.  If you are having trouble getting a wireless signal, or are unable or unwilling to run cables, powerline devices may be the answer.  Powerline devices can

During the holiday season many of us will be visiting family and friends, or taking time to travel.  Some of us will be staying in hotels.  Like most, we will want to make sure we are “connected”. 

We often get asked, “How do I protect myself on-line?”  The only way to be certain is to not be online, and we all know that is not an option.  We’d like to list some common security measures users

(In a previous article, we discussed issues with purchasing a larger hard drive.  Some of you have asked to be more specific, so we have.) As hard drive sizes continue to grow, so do their compatibility issues.  In some older

About 4 years ago, the average home user was storing approximately 100 GB of data or less.  Since then the same data is still around, but has accumulated another 4 years of new data, and the data

We are often asked, “Which video card is best for me?”  One of the most important things to consider when purchasing a video card is what will be its use.  Knowing what games and/or applications you will be running

(The first article is located here) As the name implies, network security cameras require a network.  There are two network options, wired and wireless.  A wireless network camera may sound like the better solution, but it is not.  (Note, many

We often get asked, “What’s the best security camera?”  That question, as with most computer related questions, has different answers based on the customer needs.  This article will describe basic options for network security cameras.  A second article will cover

You may work in an environment where you share files between yourself, coworkers and clients.  File Sharing allows you to make data accessible without the need to pick up a phone or write a note, and the ability