Microsoft Office has been a well-known product in our work and homes for many years. Recent concerns over security, improving the ability to collaborate, and growing software and maintenance costs, have driven individuals and companies to free
Microsoft Office has been a well-known product in our work and homes for many years. Recent concerns over security, improving the ability to collaborate, and growing software and maintenance costs, have driven individuals and companies to free
The most common electrical issue is a power surge. This is a spike or surge in the electrical current that can damage electrical components. For this article, we will be discussing protection against power surges. The most
A common question our customers ask is, “Which web browser should I use?” The answer to this question is as varied as the answer to which style of shoes you should wear, or what type of car
In the realm of computers, UPS may ship computers, but a UPS is an Uninterruptable Power Supply. Very often we hear customers say, “Why do I need a UPS?” or “I have a surge protector. That’s good
Software plays a major role in your computer’s performance. Even when your hardware is working optimally, software can put a strain on your operating system and hardware, causing slowness. Software issue may affect the entire operating system.
A common issue we hear from our customers is their computer is running slow. A computer is a complex machine built from multiple moving parts with an elaborately designed operating system that interacts with software from multiple
(Before reading this posit, you should read our earlier post located here.) There are multiple types of wireless encryption, including WEP (Wired Equivalent Privacy), WPA (WiFi Protected Access), and WPA2. Each type of encryption uses a different algorithm
A hardwired connection remains the staple for stable network communication between computers, game consoles, televisions, cameras and many other electronic devices. Sometimes, running cables can be complicated, costly and time consuming. In many cases, a wireless connection
Remote Backup solutions provide remote storage and sharing of your data. There are many solutions available. For this article we will be discussing one solution that Flash Tech provides, SugarSync. With SugarSync, you decide which folders you
Flash Tech has been providing security consultation since 1992. One test in our risk and threat assessment is to gain access to a computer on the network we are assessing. The best way for doing this is