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The weather is getting better, but it may not be better for your computer

As the days get longer and the temperature rises, many people find these changes as very good things.  As summer approaches, these climate changes may not be so good for your computer.

As the ambient temperate increases, the internal computer temperature also increases.  An average computer’s maximum operating temperature is between 80-110°F.  If a computer is in an attic or tucked away behind a desk or next to a corner, poor air flow can quickly raise the internal temperature of the computer.  Also, this does not account for a computer with a large power supply or high end video card that generate a lot of heat.

As days increase so can the temperature of a computer due to direct sun light.  Many people have their desktop or laptop computer on a desk or table.  During the winter, an open window curtain can help warm a home, but during the summer, the longer days and stronger sunlight can also heat up a computer.  With many computers having a metal shell, the direct sunlight can raise the computer temperature 20-30°F above room temperature.

What to do.  Make sure your computer is clean.  If the case and fans are dirty from the outside, they are significantly dirtier inside.  Make certain there is good air circulation.  Usually desktops are designed to take in air from the front and expel it from the rear.  Make sure there is enough room for the air to circulate.  Also for laptops, make sure the fans or cooling ports are not blocked.  Be careful using a laptop on a bed or couch because these ports are often blocked.  Finally, try to keep your computer away from direct sunlight during the summer.

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